Thursday, February 17, 2011

Running behind

Sorry to all. These should have been posted on Monday. I'm running behind this week. A good friend of mine has experienced a great tragedy and I have been working to help her this week every night. Please pray for their family.

So with the apology out of the way...We rode this weekend. Lone Hickory Arena has the best facility bar none. You have to go check them out!

Alright. Time for video's. FYI- I'm going to post these through YouTube. The video services of Blogger are a little lacking, so I'm going to do some experimenting today.

Thanks All

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The 100th day of School

The 100th day of School, well techinically it's the 97th because of snow days. Oh well. I'm still counting it. Littlest and I created this poster to celebrate. Littlest's class at school is celebrating on Friday, and they are all displaying posters. Littlest did all of the gluing of the cotton balls. He decorated the cowboy, but didn't glue that down. I mean I couldn't send him to school with his fingers burnt from using my outdated hot glue gun!

Cute uh?